
Shahade Hospital

Best Laparoscopy, Oncosurgery & Endoscopy in Kolkata, West Bengal | Shahade Hospital

Your Trusted Destination for Comprehensive Surgical Care

Welcome to Shahade Hospital: Where Healing Meets Compassion

From the moment our doors first opened in 1972, Shahade Hospital has been synonymous with groundbreaking medical care and genuine compassion. Founded by the illustrious Dr. Prof. M G Shahade, renowned for his innovative surgical techniques globally, our institution has solidified its position as a beacon of hope and healing for countless individuals.

A Multifaceted Approach to Wellness

At Shahade Hospital, we're not just committed to treating diseases but also to ensuring that each patient feels seen, heard, and valued. We aim to provide treatments that cater to the entirety of an individual’s needs, striking a balance between advanced medical care and the touch of genuine compassion.

Key Specialities at Shahade Hospital

  • Proctology Excellence: Headed by the adept Proctosurgeon Dr. Ambarish Shahade, our Proctology Cell has revolutionized treatments related to the anus and rectum. Our patients are guaranteed relief from ailments such as piles, fissures, and fistulas.

  • Diabetic Care Beyond Compare: Spearheaded by Dr. Arati Shahade, our Diabetic Care program has assisted over 10,000 patients in leading healthier, complication-free lives. From early detection to advanced treatments, we have solutions tailored for each patient.

  • State-of-the-Art Surgical Procedures

    • Laparoscopy: Our approach to laparoscopy is holistic, offering patients a comfortable experience marked by rapid recovery and minimal scarring. From the appendix and gallbladder to adrenal glands, we provide surgical solutions for a range of abdominal and torso issues.

    • Oncosurgery: Cancer is a daunting adversary, but at Shahade Hospital, we ensure that patients are never alone in their fight. Our multidisciplinary team of specialists brings in cutting-edge operative procedures to treat various malignancies, providing hope and healing in a supportive environment.

    • Endoscopy: With our advanced endoscopy technology, we are equipped to diagnose and treat a myriad of gastrointestinal conditions effectively.


When you choose Shahade Hospital, you are choosing a legacy of unparalleled medical expertise, innovative treatment methods, and a genuine concern for patient well-being. Whether it's through our corporate tie-ups, dedicated patient support programs, or advanced surgical procedures, we are here to guide and support you at every step of your health journey. Welcome to Shahade Hospital, where every patient is a part of our family.

Piles, Fissure & Fistula: An Overview

Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are swollen veins in the rectum and anus, often resulting from chronic constipation, pregnancy, or prolonged sitting. They can cause discomfort, itching, and bleeding during bowel movements. In contrast, an anal fissure is a small tear in the lining of the anus, causing sharp pain and bleeding during defecation, often resulting from passing hard stools or after childbirth. Fistulas, on the other hand, are abnormal tunnel-like connections between the anal skin and the rectum, usually stemming from an anal abscess or conditions like Crohn’s disease. They lead to recurring abscesses, pain, and foul-smelling discharge. All three conditions, while distinct, affect the anal and rectal regions, and necessitate medical attention for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Diabetic Care: A Brief Insight

Diabetic care encompasses a holistic approach to managing and treating diabetes, a chronic condition where the body struggles with insulin production or use. Effective diabetic care involves regular blood sugar monitoring, a balanced diet, exercise, and potentially medication or insulin therapy. Additionally, patient education about potential complications, foot care, and lifestyle choices is crucial. As diabetes impacts various body systems, comprehensive care is vital to prevent complications and ensure a healthy, active life for those diagnosed. Regular consultations with healthcare professionals and consistent self-management practices form the backbone of optimal diabetic care.


Diabetes, a complex and multifaceted condition, necessitates a thorough and consistent approach to management. Through comprehensive care, encompassing both medical intervention and lifestyle adjustments, individuals can effectively navigate the challenges posed by diabetes, ensuring a healthier and more fulfilling life.