
Tarot Card Reading

The Osho Zen Tarot is a unique and contemporary interpretation of traditional tarot cards, inspired by the teachings of the spiritual guru Osho The deck was designed to reflect the philosophy and insights of Osho. The Osho Zen Tarot consists of 79 cards, including the traditional 78 tarot cards plus one additional card called The Master. Each card in the deck is adorned with beautiful and symbolic artwork that captures the essence of Osho's teachings, emphasizing mindfulness, meditation, and living in the present moment. The cards are divided into major and minor arcana, like traditional tarot decks, but the meanings and interpretations may differ significantly.

Self-Reflection and Insight:

Tarot readings can provide a space for self-reflection and introspection. The images and symbols on the cards can trigger deep insights and help individuals gain a better understanding of their emotions, thoughts, and life circumstances.

Clarity and Guidance:

Tarot cards can offer guidance and clarity in situations where individuals may feel confused or uncertain. The cards can provide a different perspective on challenges or decisions, allowing individuals to make more informed choices.

Psychological Exploration:

Tarot readings can serve as a tool for exploring the depths of one's psyche. The archetypal symbols and themes in the cards can resonate with the unconscious mind, bringing hidden thoughts and feelings to the surface.

Spiritual Growth:

Many people use tarot as a means of spiritual exploration and growth. The cards can serve as a catalyst for deepening one's spiritual practice, fostering a connection with higher consciousness, or exploring existential questions.

Problem-Solving and Decision-Making:

Tarot readings can help individuals analyse problems or decisions from a different angle. By considering the symbolism and meanings of the cards, individuals may uncover new solutions or perspectives that were not apparent before.

Emotional Healing:

Tarot readings can aid in emotional healing by bringing awareness to unresolved issues or past traumas. The process of exploring these emotions through the cards can be therapeutic and contribute to the healing journey.

Creativity and Inspiration:

Tarot readings can spark creativity and inspiration. The rich symbolism and storytelling within the cards may ignite the imagination, helping individuals tap into their creative potential.