Homoeopathy was founded by Dr Samuel Hahnemann in 18 th century. He was one of the most distinguished physicians in Germany at that time. homoeopathy is a therapeutic system of medicine based on law of similars, similia similibus curenter, which means” let like be cured by likes”. The Law of Similars means that a remedy which creates symptoms and conditions in a healthy person will cure a sick person manifesting similar symptoms. Indeed, the word itself is from the Greek-Homoion meaning 'Similar', and Pathos meaning 'Disease'. <The Fundamental Laws> The law of similar- which we already have discussed earlier The law of Individualization- no two individuals are alike, so their symptoms differ, homoeopathic medicines are prescribed on the totality of symptoms of the individual, so no two individuals can get a same medicine. e.g. in case of two brothers having fever with tonsillitis, one may have burning sensation in throat, other one may have stitching sensation so there is difference in each individual case and thus the medicine differs. Law of minimum dose- single simple medicine with minimum dose is prescribed in homoeopathy just to arouse action on dynamic plane so that the body itself repels the disease. in classical homoeopathy no two drugs are given simultaneously to the patient.
HOMOEOPATHIC medicines are easy to administer, they are sweet medicines, taken orally. It is completely non invasive treatment. Homoeopathy cures the disease from its root cause; it increases resistance and immunity of the patient. Homoeopathy treats patient’s disturbances on physical, mental and emotional level in an integrated manner.
HOMOEOPATHIC pills are sweet pills and to be taken orally. They dissolve easily on the tongue. These medicines stimulate nerve endings of the tongue, so one should avoid taking any liquids or solid food half an hour before and after taking the medicines. There are no dietary restrictions during homoeopathic treatment as such, only if the disease e.g., diabetes, blood pressure demands physician can suggest special diets. Avoiding garlic, onions, spices, coffee during homoeopathic treatment were beliefs of the past, as homoeopathic has evolved, many experiences have proved that homoeopathic medicines do work inspite of taking garlic, coffee etc.
HOMOEOPATHIC treatment is based on evaluating signs and symptoms (physical as well as mental) of the patient, and correlating them with symptoms of the remedy so we can find exact similar remedy that matches for the symptoms of the patient. Different questions are asked to extract symptoms of the patient.
Action of the medicine depends on the duration of the illness, pathology of the disease, sensitivity of the patient for medicines. In acute illnesses like fever, loose motions, acute asthmatic attacks our medicines do resolve case in minimum time. Patients with chronic illnesses of long duration do take time to get cured, but within few days of treatment the intensity and frequency of the symptoms will reduce and there will be gradual relief in overall condition of the patient.. However our success rate depends on the extent to which structural or pathological changes have taken place and the nature of the disease. Majority of curable chronic cases can be treated within 3 to 12 months, depending on the disease condition. It is practically impossible to predict a precise period as an individual’s response as well as the extent to which the condition has progressed varies significantly.
No, homoeopathic medicines are potentised medicines. During potentisation the crude substance of the drug goes on reducing and the kinetic energy of the material is aroused by giving regular successions and triturations. With the process of potentisation, homoeopathic medicines act on dynamic plane and the crude substance of the source of remedy gets diluted. In classical homoeopathic way of prescribing single remedy is given with minimum dose, therefore there are no chances of side effects. However if medicines are not taken under supervision of experienced and qualified physician, proving of the medicine may take place but these adverse symptoms can be nullified by proper antidote of homoeopathic medicine.
There is no reaction as such if patients take homoeopathic and allopathic medicines together. As far as possible we ask patients to take only homoeopathic medicines at a time, but if patients with chronic illnesses are already on some life saving drugs we ask them to continue their medication along with our medicines. During curse of homoeopathic treatment we slowly taper off the previous medication as patient start getting relief by our treatment.
There are acute, sub acute, chronic diseases. Acute diseases are of short duration of less than 3 months. Sub acute diseases have duration of 3 to 6 months; chronic diseases are long standing diseases in which patient suffer from more than 6mths.in acute and sub acute diseases course of treatment is short. Once the patient is free of the symptoms they can discontinue the medicine with physician’s advice. But in chronic illnesses where patients are suffering for years together, course of treatment varies from 6 months to 1 or 2 years. Course of homoeopathic treatment also depends on the duration of illness and pathological symptoms of the disease .once the patient is cured of his chronic long standing illness by homoeopathic medicines, patients are advised for regular follow up in which patients are kept under observation with or without medicines. It is advisable to take complete course of treatment in chronic illnesses to avoid recurrence.
HOMOEOPATHIC medicines are available in liquid forms which are poured on sugar pills for easy dispensing. That is why all the homoeopathic medicines look alike as physician uses same size of pills in her own clinic.
HOMOEOPATHIC medicines are very much safe in pediatric age group. In fact as children are less exposed to environmental hazards and pollutants, their sensitivity is high for homoeopathic medicines. Children require very few doses of homoeopathic medicines and less frequent repetition as compared to adults. Homoeopathy helps in many diseases of children especially acute fevers, respiratory infections, delayed milestones, bedwetting, childhood asthma, etc. HOMOEOPATHY helps in improving resistance and immunity of the children.
Yes. HOMOEOPATHY is totally safe in pregnancy. Morning sickness, repeated or threatened abortions, intrauterine growth retardations and many other illnesses during pregnancy can be cured by homoeopathic medicines. homoeopathic medicines are also given during pregnancy and early parts of labor to facilitate normal delivery.
HOMOEOPATHIC medicines prepared in alcohol base can be preserved for years together in closed dark glass containers away from sunlight. Sugar pills dispensed from the homoeopathic clinic should be kept in airtight containers away from moisture. Once the pills change the colour from white to yellow or they become wet, then one should not use the medicine.
Epidemics are the diseases in which large sections of the people in the specific area are affected by the same acute infective illness .e.g cholera, chikengunea, Japanese encephalitis, swine flu. Homoeopathic physicians evaluate no. of patients those who are suffering from epidemic disease and arrive at a set of symptoms which can be cured by single specific homoeopathic remedy. This remedy is called as ‘genus epidemicus’. Repeated doses of the remedy given to these patients cures them. Those who are in contact with the patients can be given few doses of the same remedy. This prevents the contacts from receiving the epidemic disease. This is how homoeopathic medicines can be curative and preventive in epidemics. HOMOEOPATHIC medicines have proved much useful in above mentioned epidemic diseases in India and abroad.
Yes, homoeopathic medicines can avoid surgeries in many disease conditions e.g. kidney stones, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, corns, piles, anal fissures, anal fistulas, tonsillitis, adenoids coronary artery disease