Dr. Baisoya Maa Sharda Pain Management Center specializes in diagnosing and treating chronic and acute pain conditions. The center offers a multidisciplinary approach, combining medical, physical, and alternative therapies to provide comprehensive pain relief. Services include medication management, physiotherapy, laser therapy, nerve blocks, and counseling. The goal is to reduce pain, enhance function, and improve the quality of life for patients suffering from conditions such as back pain, arthritis, neuropathy, and post-surgical pain. With a focus on individualized care, the center is dedicated to helping patients achieve long-term pain management and regain their daily activities.

We take pride in providing exceptional treatments for the past 12 years, utilizing USFDA Approved Class 4 LASER Therapy, Chiropractic care, osteopathy, and the latest upgraded modalities, along with advanced exercise patterns. Our expertise extends to various conditions, including: 1. BACK PAIN 2. CERVICAL PAIN 3. DISC PAIN 4. KNEE PAIN 5. ARTHRITIS PAIN 6. HEEL PAIN 7. ELBOW PAIN 8. WRIST PAIN 9. POST FRACTURE PAIN & STIFFNESS OVER JOINTS 10. POST OPERATIVE PAIN AND STIFFNESS 11. FACIAL PALSY OR FACIAL PARALYSIS 12. PARALYSIS / STROKE (HEMIPLEGIA) 13. MUSCLE PAIN 14. NERVE PAIN 15. FROZEN SHOULDER / SHOULDER PAIN 16. POSTURAL PAIN