Generalised spacing between teeth is most commonly seen in all age groups.

Spacing in upper front teeth especially between incisors is (Diastema) seen in people with traumatic bit habits, thick labial frenum, hereditary enamel deficiency, habits-tongue thrust on front tooth, discrepancy in size of jaw and tooth size or generalised periodontal (Gum diseases) conditions. We in Smiles N Aesthetics provide treatment with orthodontic braces, veneers or combination of braces and veneers depending on the patient age, dental scenario and periodontal condition. We provide Affordable Dental Spacing Treatment in HSR Layout, Bangalore, India at the best cost.

  • Why it is necessary to be corrected:
  • Leads to gum issues because of the absence of protection by the teeth
  • Prevent appropriate functions of the teeth
  • make your smile less appealing

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