
4 Tips To Enhance Your Nighttime Skin Care Routine

 After a long day, the last thing you may be thinking about is your skin. During the day, our skin is exposed to the elements, building up dirt and oil. That dirt and oil can cause skin damage. Overnight, your skin works to repair itself by creating new skin cells. By having a nighttime face care routine, you can help your skin rejuvenate and prepare for the next day’s battle with the elements. The Skin & Body Spa located in Nashua, New Hampshire, provides you with the best skincare from licensed estheticians who truly understand skin and its function. Check out their recommended nighttime skincare routine tips to keep your skin healthy and glowing.
Woman rinsing her face with water at the bathroom sink


Remember when you were told to wash your face every night? Turns out it is a very healthy thing for you to do! Facial beauty begins with this simple step. Washing your face at night removes dirt, oil, old skin cells, pollutants, bacteria, and other impurities your skin has encountered throughout the day. Without washing your face, your skincare products do not stand a chance of penetrating your skin. Facial cleansers are very effective at removing this layer of grime and allowing your skin’s pores to unclog, creating cleaner, healthier skin.


We have all been there! You get home late and go to bed with your makeup still on your face. Not only does this make removing your makeup harder in the morning, but it also can damage your skin. Makeup can also irritate your skin or cause rashes when worn for long periods of time. Most makeup is made of oily substances. These oily substances block your pores, making you more prone to breakouts. When your pores are clogged with makeup overnight, your skin is unable to breathe, which can cause many undesired skin imperfections and even signs of aging!

Woman washing her face with a washcloth
Woman applying face cream to her face


Moisturizing during the day should be different from your moisturizing routine at night. Day-time moisturizer should consist of protection against UVA and UVB rays. Your nighttime moisturizer should be aimed at undoing the damage your skin has experienced throughout the day. Before bed, you can use a thicker moisturizer cream to improve your complexion, prevent dry skin and help prevent wrinkles.


Your bed may seem like a relaxing paradise, but unfortunately, your pillow case is hiding some secrets from you. Many of us do not change our pillow cases frequently enough. Due to our direct contact with our pillowcases, dirt, oil, and sweat build up over time — our pillow cases are a breeding ground for bacteria and allergens. Dirty pillow cases are also heaven for dust mites and bed bugs. Go ahead and throw those pillow cases in the wash!

Woman sleeping on white pillow